Sunday, 29 January 2012

Fear And Loathing In England

There are large Muslim populations living in western Europe (study from 2010), and numbers are rising, with especially large populations in France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the UK. 

The majority of Muslims in England are ‘westernised’ (for want of a better word) in that they enjoy living in a secular liberal society and participating in English culture. However, these days many that live within large Muslim communities do not become westernised; some groups are instead pulled back towards to the more ‘fundamental’ Islamic roots of their parents’ home country.

Although in no ways representative of the Islamic community as a whole, the anti-western sentiment being propagat
ed in England has taken root and continues to increase its influence. For some Muslims, this pull perhaps only influences minor attitudes in their way of life, like a young man giving up on drinking alcohol, or a young woman choosing to cover her head at all times. For others it becomes a more complete aversion to our liberal democracy and in some cases even a desire to commit violent crimes in the name of Islam. 

Saturday, 21 January 2012

The Case For Default: The Best Of The Bad

A default on sovereign debt within the Eurozone is widely considered to be the first domino of a violent chain reaction that would send a shockwave through the European banking system, triggering other sovereign defaults, a spate of financial sector nationalisation, and another world recession. It is seen as a cataclysmic event that must be avoided at all costs. 

However, the public have long ago woken up to the fact that these costs are to be borne not by those who made the foolish decisions to lend money to the untrustworthy governments and failing banks, as you would expect in a capitalist society, but instead by the hardworking majority, who are to be saddled with even more debt, taxes and decreased public services in order to prevent the default from ever happening.

Yes the politicians and corporations do run the show, but for those of us still privileged to live in a functioning democracy, our majority should be our saving grace. Peoples of Europe unite, and embrace default!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Localism 4: The End Of The United Kingdom?

Now that the question of Scottish independence has reared its head, it seems apt to once again make the case for the dispersal of power.

As per usual this blog supports referendums, particularly on constitutional issues and the devolution of decision making. This post builds on the a series of previous posts about the concept of localism, that power should be devolved to the lowest practicable level, so that decisions are taken as closely as possible to the people they affect.

A greater degree of autonomy, and a more direct link between both citizens and their representatives and between taxation and expenditure, will revitalise Scottish democracy and give local people a greater sense of control and responsibility over their lives. If the Scottish people feel that their way of life differs significantly enough from the rest of the UK and that they would be freer as an independent state, they should go for it.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Wee Little Englanders

Once upon a time the phrase Little Englander was used to describe English people with anti-imperialist opinions, those who perhaps thought it best that England keep to its jurisdictions within its borders in the UK, or indeed that it should be independent from its UK partners. In the days when the expansion of the British Empire was the will of the King, to be a Little Englander was to be weak, and unpatriotic. 

Nowadays, the meaning of the phrase has changed dramatically. It is now more commonly used by those on the left of the political spectrum to criticise those on the right who may have doubts about certain aspects of globalisation. With the EU debate at a current prominence, some say that Britain’s size and lack of industrial might makes us too insignificant to survive alone in a 21st century globalised world. These same people use the phrase ‘Little Englanders’ to express their anger and disdain of the current conservative government whose actions tend towards putting the interests of England before the interests of Europe as a whole.